Synopsis: After a run-in with the mysterious bearded man, Jane’s SEAL tattoo leads to a violent gang of thieves – can they tell her who she is? Rating: ★★☆☆☆ Jane is attacked in her safe house by the mystery man. During the fight she loses a tooth and recalls a memory […]
Heroes Reborn: Under the Mask Recap
Synopsis of 5×03: Each of the show’s many plots inch forward as new villains come into the light, a deadly app is revealed, we meet an invisible eskimo, and the subtitles go insane. Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ (This could be a one hundred star rating system and my score would be the […]
Blindspot: A Stray Howl Recap
Synopsis: A tattoo points to an Air Force pilot with a difficult past; a disturbing memory haunts Jane; Weller believes he knows Jane’s identity. Rating:★★★☆☆ I’ll say this for Blindspot, it jumped right in on giving us a strong lead to Jane Doe’s identity. Predictably, given that she had his […]
Heroes Reborn: Brave New World Recap
Synopsis of 5×01 and 5×02: Picking up a few years after the original series skidded to a flaming halt, a new story begins with new heroes, some old haunts, and whichever original cast members would answer Tim Kring’s phone calls. Rating: ?1/2 Heroes, as it existed once, was a hugely […]
Blindspot: Pilot Recap
Synopsis of 1×01: A Jane Doe is found in Times Square with no memory and mysterious tattoos on her body. Rating: ????? Ordinarily, I’m wary of procedural cop shows. I’m theoretically a fan of all the clever ways they come up with to create and solve elaborate crime puzzles, and I’m […]
The Cast of Grimm Returns to Comic-Con To Talk About the Upcoming Fifth Season
NBC’s dark fairytale drama Grimm returned to San Diego Comic-Con this past weekend to discuss season 4’s explosive ending and what’s in store for the beloved characters in the upcoming season 5. Executive producers and the entire main cast talked to us about Nick’s quest for revenge and how that is […]
NBC’s “Blindspot” Trailer is Just Alright, but You Should Still get Excited
I say all the time that mediocre trailers make the best shows and movies. I theorize this is because they put out the usual, basic promo material knowing they have storylines organic and complex enough to hold water when the time comes, instead of trying to desperately shoehorn in every […]
Parks and Recreation: One Last Ride Recap [SERIES FINALE]
Synopsis of 7×12: We go on one last ride with the crew as they pack their bags and leave Pawnee. But of course the writers aren’t going to leave us without letting us know what happens in our close friends’ lives! Rating: ????? The final episode followed the crew spending their last […]
Parks and Rec: The Johnny Karate Super Awesome Musical Explosion Show / Two Funerals Recap
Synopsis of 7×10/11: We are treated to the absolute delight that is Andy’s tv show and the town faces a whole lot of change after the death of Mayor Gunderson and the return of Lucy and Tom from a blissful vacation in New York. Rating: ★★★★☆ With only two weeks left, the […]
Constantine: Waiting for The Man Recap [SEASON FINALE]
[youtube] Synopsis: Jim Corrigan contacts the gang to investigate girls being abducted, meanwhile Constantine deals with a bounty placed on his head by the other side. Rating: ★★★★☆ Here it is, final episode of Constantine this season and perhaps ever. After thirteen episodes… wait a second, 13. 13 is an unlucky […]