WonderCon has added a new feature to the autograph system. After years of waking up early to stand in lines to draw tickets for a chance at autographs, it seems that certain companies are working with WonderCon to offer a raffle system ahead of the convention with their new Exclusives Portal.
Unboxing: Loot Crate vs Nerd Block (February 2015)
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0-nnk_lG0g&w] Loot Crate vs. Nerd Block – February 2015 Loot Crate and Nerd Block are two very big subscription box companies. They both have a large fan base and they both consistently give out awesome product in their boxes. Loot Crate costs $13.37 a month plus shipping which comes out […]
Marvel and Funko Teamed Up to Create the Subscription Box of My Dreams
All right guys. I’m beside myself with excitement right now. Two of my absolute favorite things in the world are coming together to create something completely and totally awesome. Marvel and Funko have teamed up and are releasing their own subscription box chock-full of what will undoubtedly be some pretty […]
I Just Backed Geek Fuel on Kickstarter
Subscription boxes are one of our favorite ways to treat ourselves over here at Nerdophiles. A lot of our staff members subscribe to one box or another. Loot Crate and Nerd Block – or is many variants – are obvious favorites and Jane does excellent monthly unboxings for each of them. […]
PC vs Console? Where Do You Put Your Money?
This has been done over and over again, but I’m doing it now because I want to know which one to get. My research hopefully will lead me to a decision. Console Pros: Cost to enter You have a set price and you know what you’re going to get. […]