After leaving the Jedi Order, Ahsoka Tano finds herself in the underworld of Coruscant where she befriends aspiring pilot Trace Martez.
The Clone Wars: Unfinished Business Recap
While Jedi Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi lead an attack against the Separatist forces on Anaxes, the Bad Batch and Anakin Skywalker infiltrate an enemy starship to ensure a Republic victory.
The Clone Wars: On The Wings Of Keeradaks Recap
Out of the frying pan and into the fire! Anakin, Rex, and the Bad Batch have rescued Echo, but now they have to escape Purkoll alive!
The Clone Wars: A Distant Echo Recap
After finding out that Echo could be alive, Rex, Anakin, and the Bad Batch gear up to go to Skako Minor where they believe Echo’s live signal is located.
The Clone Wars: The Bad Batch Recap
Synopsis of 7×01: Captain Rex and the Bad Batch must infiltrate an enemy base on Anaxes.
Marvel’s Hero Project Interview: Daniella Is A Hero Building Homes
Marvel’s Hero Project brought Daniella into the Marvel Universe as she builds homes for families in need. Meet her in our interview!
Marvel’s Hero Project Interview: Seamus Is A Hero For Military Families
Marvel’s Hero Project made Seamus into a superhero to celebrate his work on behalf of veterans and their families, and he told Nerdophiles about his Marvel experience.