Synopsis: Supergirl fights against her aunt and learns some heartbreaking news about her mom, while Catco is dealing with a hacker. Rating: ★★★☆☆ As a midseason finale goes, I would say this particular episode of Supergirl came in a little bit weak on the action side of things. Just in […]
Supergirl: Red Faced Recap
Synopsis: Kara has trouble managing her anger, and Cat’s mother is in town. Rating: ★★★★★ Okay first of all can we talk about how Kara is canonically this low-paid and unappreciated, clumsy assistant, who somehow manages to have a bomb-ass loft all to herself? In fact, there’s been no evidence whatsoever of […]
Blindspot: Evil Handmade Instrument Recap
Synopsis: The team begins a relentless search for David’s killer, and uncovers an international conspiracy. Jane finds herself in a very tight spot. Rating: ★★★★★ Something interesting that Blindspot does much more than other shows, is have it’s secondary characters functioning as a unit that is always together. Every procedural has […]
Supergirl: How Does She Do It? Recap
Synopsis: Kara must protect National City from a series of bombings and babysit Cat’s son, while James is visited by Lucy Lane. ★★★★☆ This was a rough week for Kara. Not only were bombs going off all over the city, but she also volunteered to watch Cat’s son, Carter. Carter […]
Supergirl: Livewire Recap
Synopsis: Thanksgiving brews trouble for the Danvers family, and an angry DJ developing superpowers doesn’t help matters much. Kara learns a devastating secret about her foster family. Rating: ★★★★★ It’s getting ridiculous, frankly, how closely and often Supergirl is interacting with characters who know Kara Danvers, and getting away with it. […]
Blindspot: Authentic Flirt Recap
Synopsis: Jane and Weller go undercover as a married Bulgarian assassin duo, and David gets himself into trouble. Rating: ★★★★★ This episode of Blindspot did two things that kept me glued: First, it took a classic gimmicky episode and let it play almost all the way out before jamming in like six […]
Supergirl: Fight or Flight Recap
Synopsis: Supergirl takes on a new villain, gives an interview, and struggles to find her place in the hero canon. Rating: ★★★★★ I don’t know exactly what it is about this show, but every week it makes me smile even more. I see it consistently railed on, and it just make […]
Blindspot: Persecute Envoys Recap
Synopsis: The team investigates corruption within the NYPD, Mayfair finally tells Weller about Operation Daylight. Rating: ★★★☆☆ It’s all come down to this: Operation Daylight. The mysterious black cloud hovering over the CIA/FBI tension, Mayfair’s involvement with the team, and the lack of communication between them. She finally tells Weller: […]
Blindspot: Sent On Tour Recap
Synopsis of: The team gets much more than they bargained for on a trip to an off-grid secessionist town. Weller confronts Mayfair about Daylight. Patterson has relationship issues. Rating: ★★★★★ Finally an episode that made some great use of the secondary characters! After Mayfair continually stonewalls Patterson about the FBI case that’s […]
Supergirl: Stronger Together Recap
Synopsis: Kara struggles to be an effective hero and faces off with someone from her past. Cat wants an interview and James’ job is on the line. Rating: ★★★★★ Excuse me while I consistently rate Supergirl with five stars. It’s honestly everything I’ve ever wanted. And it’s camp and cheesiness only […]