As if we needed more problems in The Following, this week’s episode continues to make me lose faith in the FBI as they come one step closer to capturing the cult leader and serial killer named Joe Carroll. The season has been building up to the inevitable discovery of the […]
Game of Thrones: Walk of Punishment Recap
Has anyone else noticed in the beginning that the names that come on of the cast have the sigil or their houses next to them? Because that’s awesome. Well, it’s time for another episode of Game of Thrones! In Riverrun, the funeral of Hoster Tully answers a question that I’ve […]
Da Vinci’s Demons: The Hanged Man Recap
I am a son of earth and starry heaven. I am thirsty. Please, give me something to drink from the fountain of memory. Starz premiered their new show Da Vinci’s Demons this past Friday after the series finale of Spartacus: War of the Damned. Created by comicbook movie producer and […]
Spartacus: Victory Recap Series Finale!
So we reach the end. The end of a three year journey with the reimagined historic Thracian gladiator named Spartacus by his captors. I have to say, that before we get into the nitty gritty of the episode, this is one of the most entertaining and beautiful stories I’ve ever […]
The Following: The Curse Recap
[youtube=] There’s a lot of reasons I could give you for why I have not yet posted up a review for this past week’s The Following, but the main one is just that I’ve been busy. So here it is, without much further ado. Also I was overwhelmed by feels […]
Game of Thrones: Dark Wings, Dark Words Recap
GAME OF THRONES!!! Yes, I am that excited about this show, always. So, with so many characters, we’ve had to result to switching off different sets of characters to feature in each episode, which is getting very similar to the novel, which is written from different point-of-view characters. However, this […]
Vikings: Burial of the Dead Recap
With a title like Burial of the Dead, we kind of know what to expect from this week’s episode. Ragnar and Haraldsen finally show down and the result brings Ragnar closer to his own destiny. When Ragnar and the earl finally meet in battle it’s no dramatic long-winded fight. It’s […]
Spartacus: The Dead and the Dying Recap
Once upon a time, when I was in high school, and Spartacus first started, my favorite history teacher told me that the show was basically soft core porn and not even history. Well, he may have been right, but this show has evolved into such an emotional roller coaster that […]
Nikita: Tipping Point Recap
So for some reason we haven’t done a Nikita recap until now despite it being one of my favorite shows. A pity that we start on one of the most frustrating episodes ever. I’m not sure how I feel about Nikita and the new division that has formed under Nikita, […]
Hemlock Grove at Wondercon
We went to Anaheim’s Wondercon this last week and got into some panels to give you guys catch up that you might have missed if you weren’t able to attend. Be on the look out for more information from both me and Sam as the week continues on! So Hemlock […]