Leonardo, when you start licking paintings, I think it’s time to accept the devil is here. Can I just say, aside from the lack of Zoroaster, I loved this episode of Da Vinci’s Demons. Like, I really loved it. I was glad to see more of Giuliano, we finally got […]
"Thor: The Dark World" Trailer Drops!
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXxw3KkAJlI] So, as promised by the gods of Asgard, the trailer for Thor: The Dark World was released today! The best version can be found here, at Apple Trailers, along with multiple other places on the internet. The sequel to the first acclaimed film brought to life by Kenneth Branagh […]
Nikita: Masks & Broken Home Recap
Double feature here! I managed to catch up on Nikita tonight, a friend told me the ending was pretty brutal, so I’ve been keeping it off, but now it’s time. And I won’t be holding back my emotions, so prepare for a pretty emotional second part. So I have to […]
The Following: The End Is Near Recap
Well, the end is near. Bring on the references to Edgar Allen Poe and the creepy women with baby voices. Also bring on my question of how the hell they’re going to formulate a second season when it seems like Joe is going to die of an infection or blood […]
Da Vinci’s Demons: The Serpent Recap
This past Friday brought us back to the Renaissance. And you guys know how much I love the Renaissance. So after a weekend of work and homework, I’m glad to write up this recap to last week’s episode. So fun times this episode. It was way less magical and mysterious, […]
Vikings: Sacrifice Recap
Nothing like a good ole’ pagan sacrifice to get the juices flowing. Mainly, tears from my eyes because of what surpassed. I can’t handle this show sometimes, maybe it’s because of Athelstan’s terrifying new viking do, maybe it’s because of Lief’s hearbreaking sacrifice, maybe I’m just over emotional. Anyways, next […]
Game of Thrones: And Now His Watch Has Ended Recap
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sirXgloi_Q] This was, hands down, the best episode so far in this season. Bromances are destroyed, friendships are deepened, people are killed, slaves are freed, and dragons are set upon evil people. What more could we have asked for? Along some road travelling to King Robb, Jaime Lannister is depressed […]
The Vampire Diaries: Pictures of You Recap
It’s time for prom! Well, like most events in Mystic Falls, it’s not complete without something crazy going down. I’m not going to lie, I’m getting really really bored with the whole “emotionless” Elena. Like I can’t actually imagine her enjoying herself without emotions. She’s just walking around because no […]
Bones: The Party in the Pants Recap
Bones is back after a brief break! And this week, we got a surprise. Strippers! Also Booth’s mom! I know, I’m not sure which one I feel more shocked by. So if you aren’t familiar with the story of Booth’s mom or his family, or you can’t remember, here it […]
Vikings: A King’s Ransom Recap
Again, apologies all around for slow recaps! Finals are coming up, and we are a student run institution. Anyways, speaking of school, let’s venture back to the lands of Scandinavia and Northumbria for some knowledge on diplomacy and negotiation. I love it whenever the Vikings venture over to Northumbria, because we always […]