Gotham: Mask Recap

[youtube=] Gotham: Mask (1×08) Synopsis: Jim and Barbara are still dealing from the fall out of last episode and it’s not exactly going well. Fish and Oswald fire shots over the bow in an attempt to remain cordial while still advancing their own schemes. Bruce is dealing with trying to reintegrate into […]

Sleepy Hollow: Deliverance Recap

[youtube=] Sleepy Hollow: Deliverance (2×07) Synopsis: Katrina, after being poisoned by Henry, faces a dire situation. Ichabod and Abbie race to save Katrina’s life and prevent Moloch from entering the human world. Rating: ????? This week on Sleepy Hollow, we get a look at the tumultuous relationship between Ichabod and Katrina. Marital bonds are stretched and […]

Reign: Three Queens Recap

[youtube=] Reign: Three Queens Recap (2×06) Synopsis: A pair of false royals cause trouble in the countryside for Mary and Catherine, while Lola tries to secure her own fortune independent of French Court. Lord Narcisse continues to woo Lola, and the English/French political tension plot thickens. Rating:★★★★☆ Reign split off […]