“Wait, the campaign?” you say. “That has nothing to do with science fiction, fantasy, video games, comics, or anything else even remotely nerdy. What gives?” Well, you’re right. It doesn’t. But nerds like a good laugh just as much anyone else, right? So sit down, shut up, and enjoy […]
Warm Bodies Book Review
At first, I must admit I was hesitant to read Warm Bodies, the debut novel from Isaac Marion. Not because it was his first book. Not even because of what I had heard about the book. To be honest, I hadn’t really heard much about it before I sat […]
Amped Book Review
First, let me begin by saying that law school ruins everything. It changes the way you read things. Including books like this that toy around with Constitutional rights. But since no one else cares about the underlying legal issues except me and maybe the few other law students who […]
Moonrise Kingdom Movie Review
Moonrise Kingdom (2012) Directed by Wes Anderson Introducing Jared Gilman (Sam Shakusky), Kara Hayward (Suzy Bishop) Also Including Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, Bill Murray, Francis McDormand, Tilda Swinton, Jason Schwartzman, and Bob Balaban I know, I know, it’s been out all summer, and just now I’m putting up a review. Setting […]
Total Recall Movie Review
Total Recall (2012) Directed by Len Wiseman Starring Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Biel I considered doing a comparison of the original Total Recall to the remake, but since I am too lazy and I feel like there are a lot of comparisons being done, I am going to […]