Synopsis for 3×07 and 3×08: Things between Walker and the Ottos escalate beyond what Jake can control and a familiar face returns. Madison is repeatedly reminded to stay in her lane and she repeatedly refuses. Jake is making his way to Walker to negotiate when he realizes he’s being followed. As […]
Dark Matter: Wish I Could Believe You Recap
Synopsis of 03×07: An injured crew member is haunted by the past, unaware of the dangers that are lurking in the present. At the end of episode 6 we knew Six was in danger; everyone on the colony has been poisoned. Two and Android find Six barely alive. They bring […]
Zoo: Ten Years Gone Recap
Synopsis of 03×03: Abe and Dariela are desperate to get Isaac back. Mitch has to deal with the biodrive messing with his brain, and Clem has to figure out how to tell her dad she’s pregnant in a world of sterility. Also, surprise! Hybrids. All the children taken by Reiden […]
The Bold Type: Pilot & O Hell No Recaps
Synopsis of 01×01: Jane becomes unsettled after being asked to write a story about why her ex broke up with her; Kat’s strong connection to an outspoken photographer confuses her; Sutton tries not to feel left behind as she toils in the assistant ranks. Synopsis of 01×02: Kat finds herself […]
Stitchers: Paternis Recap
Synopsis of 03×05: Kirsten goes against protocol and stitches into a dead guard’s memory when Cameron’s imprisoned father becomes accused of murder. The episode opens with a flashback to a young Cameron about a year after his heart surgery at home with his dad. It’s been fourteen years since Cameron’s […]
Shadowhunters: The Fair Folk Recap
Synopsis of 2×14: Alec has big plans to mend fences with the Downworlders; Jace and Clary are summoned by the Seelie Queen. Ah the classic sit down episode. Now that we’ve established Alec as the new head of the Institute, Valentine is captured, and the Downworlders aren’t threatening riots at […]
Attack on Titan: Scream Recap
Synopsos of 2×12: We finally see the coordinate ability and Eren uses it to enact sweet revenge, but not before the troops incur heavy losses, some more meaningful to us than others. All in all, a pretty satisfying cliffhanger to end the gratifying second season. Of course we start with […]
Dark Matter: One Last Card to Play Recap
Synopsis of 03×06: Raza vs. Raza. When other dimensional alternates of the crew steal weapons, the real crew must get them back. Ryo wasn’t kidding when he said he would round up people and question them about the assassination attempt on his life. His soldiers are transporting people on prison ships […]
Wynonna Earp: Let’s Pretend We’re Strangers Recap
Synopsis of 2×05: Wynonna is possessed by a demon while the rest of the team tries to save her. Meanwhile there’s apparently another ‘order’ of do-gooders in town and they aren’t as concerned with saving Wynonna as they are with eliminating the demonic threat. And if that doesn’t pique your interest, […]
Zoo: Diaspora Recap
Synopsis of 03×02: Clem and Not-Clem face off over Mitch who is mostly confused. It turns out Jackson created a new identity for himself which is at risk when Logan makes an appearance to talk about the bombings. Abraham and Dariella have to fight off hybrids who somehow made it […]