Next time you find yourself frustrated with a fandom you’re involved with, remember that things could be worse. At least no one is trying to bury you alive to prove they’re the ultimate fan. Or, as they’re called on Cult, a True Believer. This week’s episode (in its new Friday […]
Walking Dead: Arrow on the Door Post Recap
I know I’m not the first person to say this – in fact pretty much everyone on the internet ever is – but I’m really enjoying the Walking Dead these days. They seem to have finally hit their stride. Episode after episode has hit the mark. I think we’re finally […]
The Following: Let Me Go Recap
I swear, each episode of The Following leaves me yelling at Ryan Hardy, yelling at Joe Carroll, and yelling at Claire Matthews. This week’s episode was different, I ended the episode yelling at Joey. Seriously, there are some severe questions I have for the characters of this show. For one, […]
Walking Dead: Clear Recap
Well this episode starts off with Rick being an asshole. Whose surprised? No one? Yeah. When we left everyone last episode the Governor had pretty much fucked up our heroes’ shit. They had no food, no guns, no ammo. Pretty much, they were screwed. So Rick takes Carl and Michonne […]
Once Upon A Time: The Queen is Dead Recap
Once Upon A Time once again attempts to tug on our heart strings and then crush all of our hopes and dreams. We should be used to this but we keep trying to hold out for something more. Which is apparently what David is trying to do, too. All David wants is […]
Cult delivers a thrilling take on television fan-followings
I wasn’t looking to get into any new shows this season, and the CW’s Cult wasn’t even on my radar until a little over a week ago. I figured it sounded interesting enough that if I was home when the first episode aired, I’d watch it. Well, I missed it, […]
Lost Girl: I Was Born To Be A Gryphon!
This Sunday, Lost Girl’s new episode “Fae-de To Black” premiered in Canada and we find out Dyson’s childhood dream was to fly as a gryphon. Those afraid of spoilers should not venture forth (especially people who have yet to see this episode, which premieres in America in Feb 4th). […]
The Following Continues onto Chapter Two
Second week, second episode and so much seems to have happened since the Following premiered last Monday. Warning if you’re not into spoilers, do not venture forward! Maggie Grace is dead, a naked woman stabbed herself, James Purefoy kidnapped his own son, puppies are dead, romantic tensions are abound […]
Nothing Can Compare To How I Feel About The Fringe Finale
You all probably know about my feelings on Fringe. It is, without a doubt, hands down, one of my favorite science fiction shows of all time, and definitely my current favorite. And last night, on January 18th, Fox premiered it’s final episode of the science fiction television show. It’s […]
BBC’s Merlin Series Finale Recap
So yesterday marked the end of BBC’s series of Merlin! Before you proceed, this post is a no holds barred spoiler post on the Series Finale of BBC’s Merlin! So if you haven’t seen the episode yet, and you don’t want to be spoiled, read no further! After five seasons, and […]