“Oh my stars.” Space vampires, opera, and exploding god-stars, oh my. The newest episode of Doctor Who series 7 aired today, in which we were introduced to several new alien species, given a glimpse of Clara’s past, and made aware of how the TARDIS feels about the Doctor’s new companion. […]
Cult: Suffer the Children Recap
Detective Sakelik has something to protect, and the people in Jeff’s life will suffer at her hands if he and Skye don’t stop looking for answers. Nate is still missing, and now Jeff has to say goodbye to Bert, who was not only his boss, but his mentor and family. […]
Hannibal: Apéritif Recap
When I walked into the Hannibal screening at Wonder Con last weekend I knew that I was going to be one of the first people to see the series premier. Hannibal had been a major sponsor of Wonder Con this year – the main one, really – so there was a […]
Spartacus: The Dead and the Dying Recap
Once upon a time, when I was in high school, and Spartacus first started, my favorite history teacher told me that the show was basically soft core porn and not even history. Well, he may have been right, but this show has evolved into such an emotional roller coaster that […]
Nikita: Tipping Point Recap
So for some reason we haven’t done a Nikita recap until now despite it being one of my favorite shows. A pity that we start on one of the most frustrating episodes ever. I’m not sure how I feel about Nikita and the new division that has formed under Nikita, […]
Elementary: Snow Angels Recap
To Sherlock Holmes, a blizzard is simply a factor in making a case more interesting. With a storm on its way, Sherlock and Joan take in an old friend and consultant of Sherlock’s named Ms. Hudson. In Elementary, the canon character of Holmes and Watson’s landlady takes on the form […]
Supernatural: Taxi Driver Recap
I want to call this episode “bittersweet,” but that doesn’t seem to do it justice. Kevin’s hearing Crowley’s voice in his head and is understandably on edge, but he’s figured out the second trial: Sam has to rescue an innocent soul from hell. How does a mortal get into hell? […]
Castle: The Lives of Others
It’s the hundreth episode of Castle! Yay! We made it this far, Castle Fans. I thought this episode was half awesome and half boring. The actual case that Kate had to work on was just a little boring. But the whole Hitchcock Rear Window thing? I loved that. Paying homage […]
Bates Motel: What’s Wrong With Norman? Recap
All right, so, we all know Norman Bates is going off the deep end but it’s really getting started now. But first it seems like it might be Emma who is going off the deep end. She’s having a hard time dealing with what happened last season. Not necessarily the […]
Bones: The Maiden in the Mushrooms Recap
I love shows that do parodies and satire for real life things, and this week’s Bones did a satire of daytime’s Judge Judy with Judge Trudy. Like most Bones episodes there’s about three parts to an episode. The case, the Bones/Booth home life, and something to do with the office. […]