Playing catch up on the last few episodes of Agents of SHIELD? Check out our recap of “Together or Not at All”. The team regroups, hoping to return to the surface of Earth and join May. A power struggle between the Kree brothers ensues.
Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD: The Last Day Recap
Synopsis 5×08: On the surface of the earth, the team struggles to understand the visions of Robin, in an attempt to save the world. Time travel is such a tricky thing to pull off. Ask Stargate, and there many, many attempts at it. (Some better than others, to be sure.) […]
The Magicians: Heroes and Morons Recap
‘Heroes and Morons’ kickstarts the quest for the keys, sending Eliot and his family to an obscure island outside of Fillory’s borders. On Earth, the race is on to find one of Mayakovsky’s magic batteries and the mystery woman who’s been flaunting it around town.
The Magicians: The Tale of the Seven Keys Recap
In the season premiere, we get updated on everyone’s events since we last saw them. Although, it’s the Great Cock that really kicks the season off with a quest for our protagonists, one that will reinstate the magic they so desperately need.
Dirk Gently Season Two Series Finale Recap
It’s time to say good-bye. Pour one out for Dirk, Todd, Farah, and the rest of the gang. Just as soon as it felt like they’d got their footing, the show gets the ax. So before we bid adieu forever, let’s recap the last three episodes of this series’ finale.
Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD: A Life Spent Recap
The team continues to unravel the mysteries of the future, and perhaps, the multiverse on this week’s episode of Agents of SHIELD.
The Walking Dead: How It’s Gotta Be Recap
We jump through some sloppy hoops to get there, but the midseason finale does indeed end on a shocking note – if only because of what it means for the continuation of the series.
Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD: Orientation Recap
S.H.I.E.L.D. finds itself where no S.H.I.E.L.D. team has found itself before (hardly any of the Avengers have even found themselves here)… SPACE! And… The FUTURE!
The Walking Dead: Time for After Recap
It’s definitely the episode before the midseason finale. Eugene talks a lot and probably won’t ever be forgiven by Rick’s group at this rate.
The Walking Dead: The King, the Widow, and Rick Recap
No one wants to stick to the plan this week, leading to a lot more dangerous circumstances than if everyone just kept to their mission.