Synopsis : Peggy turns to an old enemy for help saving Jason’s life, while Whitney makes a daring move. Jarvis and Sousa learn the consequences of their entanglements with Peggy. Rating:????? Agent Carter has, since it’s pilot, gotten consistently better with every episode. I adored season 1, but season 2 […]
Agent Carter: The Atomic Job Recap
Synopsis: The gang tries to steal Jane Scott’s corpse, and ends up trapped in a labyrinth diffusing atomic bombs. Rating: ????? This was really not Peggy’s week. Or anyone’s, actually. Except maybe Rose. After incorporeal Jason is drawn to a tissue sample from Jane’s body, his touch pulls the Zero Matter out of […]
Supergirl: For The Girl Who Has Everything Recap
Synopsis: An alien parasite endangers Kara’s life, and forces her to imagine her life as it would have been if Krypton had survived. Rating: ★★★★☆ One thing Supergirl has going for it that Superman, in all its iterations, mostly didn’t, is that Kara actually remembers Krypton. She was practically a teenager when […]
Agent Carter: Smoke And Mirrors Recap
Synopsis: Peggy and Whitney flash back to their childhoods, and the Arena Club makes a daring move. Rating: ★★★★☆ Peggy Carter backstory! Finally. After years of seeing her in the MCU, and even seeing her more current self in Ant Man and The Winter Solider, this week we finally got a […]
Supergirl: Bizarro Recap
Synopsis: An inexplicable Supergirl clone appears in National City, and Kara goes on a date. Rating: ????? One of my favorite things about Supergirl, is that literally everyone loves Kara? Her adopted family took to her immediately, Clark Kent has been nothing but supportive from the jump, James and Winn practically fall at […]
Agent Carter: Better Angels Recap
Synopsis: Peggy squares off with movie star Whitney Frost and Jack, newly arrived in L.A., while struggling to discover the truth about Isodyne. Howard Stark makes an appearance. Rating: ★★★★★ WILKES LIVES!!!! This episode gets 5 stars for that alone. While struggling with her shock and grief over Wilkes apparent death, […]
Supergirl: Strange Visitor From Another Planet Recap
Synopsis: Cat’s estranged son comes to town, and the White Martians attack. Rating: ★★★★☆ This was simultaneously the most deeply emotional and nerdiest episode of TV I’ve seen in awhile. The sweeping thematic arcs of how important family is, how impossible it is to take on any huge task alone, and […]
Agent Carter: Lady of The Lake / A View In The Dark Recap
Synopsis: Peggy arrives in Los Angeles to investigate a mysterious killing – and gets way more than she bargained for. Rating: ★★★★★ I honestly have no idea why the MCU hasn’t taken far greater advantage of Marvel’s long history. But I’m also glad they haven’t because nothing could ever bridge that gap […]
Supergirl: Childish Things Recap
Synopsis: Winn’s father breaks out of prison and comes after him, while Alex must get dangerously close to Max Lord, and Lucy Lane takes a job at CatCo. Rating: ★★★★★ This was, by far, the darkest episode of Supergirl to date. The opening sequence shows us two prison guards complaining about how […]
Supergirl: Blood Bonds Recap
Synopsis: Kara must convince Cat she is not Supergirl, while the DEO tries to rescue Hank. Meanwhile, James and Winn break into Lord Technologies. Rating: ★★★☆☆ A thing about Supergirl that is unfortunate, but also to its benefit, is that the bigger arcs and the underlying mythology of the show are its […]