Synopsis of 03×08: The investigation into a murdered ex-Air-Force officer leads the team to a former co-worker and renowned UFO expert; the memories in the stitch have the team wondering if UFOs and extraterrestrial beings really exists. Camsten is back in full effect after making up in the last episode, […]
SDCC 2017: The Her Universe Fashion Show Was A Delight!
For the last four years, Her Universe has held a fashion show at San Diego Comic Con, to showcase the creations of fans. And with their ties to Hot Topic, the winner is given the chance to design a line for Her Universe and Hot Topic. Last year, the winners […]
Mech Cadet Yu #1 Pleases with Team-Ups, Action & A Thrilling Genre Mashup
Author: Greg Pak Artists: Takeshi Miyazawa Release Date: August 2, 2017 Publisher: Boom Studios Genre: All-ages, science fiction, Mecha What has always fascinated me about the Mecha genre is how flexible it is. In the same way as superheroes, stories of giant robots can include everything from the whimsical heroics of Big […]
Ghost Station Zero #1 Brings Back Baboushka for the ‘Atomic Blonde’ Audience
Author: Antony Johnston Artists: Sharri Chankhamma Release Date: August 2, 2017 Publisher: Image Comics Genre: ’60s spy homage, noir For a medium most known for super heroic punch-ups, comics generally have a dicey history in depicting the fight scene. It’s a bigger challenge than many readers may realize. The way comics […]