Synopsis of 03×01: In the aftermath of last season, the characters, years later, have had to rebuild their lives. None of the team have given up the fight to save the human race and the search for Mitch Morgan continues. The finale last season brought the show forward a number […]
Star Wars Builders Make for Great Trivia and Fun Model Kits!
Release Date: November 15, 2016 (Droids), December 20, 2016 (Starfighters, Millennium Falcon) Publisher: Silver Dolphin Books Genre(s): Crafts & Hobbies Review Spoilers: N/A Droids | Starfighters Millennium Falcon Star Wars fans are in for a treat with Star Wars Builders from Silver Dolphin Books! There are three different themed books to collect: Droids, Starfighters, and […]
Blood Drive: Steel City Nightfall Recap
Synopsis of 1×03: Forced to make a detour, Grace and Arthur get in on some team-building synergistic meetings. Also, meet Domi and Cliff – that nice, suburban murder racing couple. Another week, another episode of Blood Drive to sate the impulses in… Utah with Domi and Cliff? They argue over […]