Synopsis of 12×17: This episode of Supernatural opens with Kendricks Academy, which is like the more murdery version of Hogwarts. The Headmistress brings Michael and his friend to her room and states that there could only be one survivor. Michael kills his best friend, as he feels indebted to the Headmistress […]
SDCC 2017: Open Registration Guide
San Diego Comic Con 2017 hopefuls! This Saturday, we’re going to knock one more lottery off of the looooong list of lotteries that has become SDCC. Open Registration emails have gone out and you should have received yours already, but you can also sign into your Member ID for the […]
Wondercon 2017: Si Spurrier Discusses his Newest Creator-Owned Series, “Godshaper”
We caught up with Si Spurrier at Wondercon, a feat considering the amount of panels he bounced back and forth between all weekend, to discuss his next project from BOOM! Studios, Godshaper. Find out what he had to say about the series before it debuts on April 12, 2017. Can you […]
The Magicians: The Rattening Recap
Synopsis: Quentin and Julia’s encounter with a dragon leads them to the underworld to find Julia’s shade. Penny continues working at the Library of the Neitherlands, while trying to find a way into the poison room. So here’s the skinny: Julia and Quentin find a dragon who sends them to […]