Synopsis of 12×10: Someone is attacking angels in Castiel’s garrison and he may or may not be willing to give his life to stop it. “Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets” is hands down one of the best episodes of the season so far. It has a standalone villain, refers to […]
Assassin’s Creed: Uprising #1 is Action Packed from the Start
Author: Alex Paknadel & Dan Watters Artist: Jose Holder Release Date: February 1, 2017 Publisher: Titan Comics Genre(s): Action/Adventure, Crime, Video Games Review Spoilers: Mild This series is definitely written for those who have been reading the other Assassin’s Creed comic titles while also playing the games. It merges characters from both Assassin […]
The Magicians: Hotel Spa Potions Recap
Synopsis of 2×02: The hunt continues as Julia comes closer to confronting Reynard the Fox amidst the Beast’s show tune vocals while Quentin and friends come closer to their new weapon against the Beast. All the while, Alice’s godly power is waning, taking with it the only chance of defeating […]