Synopsis: Ric and Bonnie fiddle with the Phoenix Stone to resurrect Oscar, while Caroline and Stefan babysit Mary-Louise and Nora at a Heaven & Hell Halloween costume party. Rating: ★★★★☆ Woo! Halloween in Mystic Falls! Three years later, Ric is putting two adorable twin girls to bed! He’s suddenly interrupted […]
Trailer Park: Spectre, By the Sea, and Others – Coming Soon in November
Here’s upcoming trailers and our quick thoughts for movies hitting theaters the first couple weeks in November. A few trailers you’ve already probably seen but maybe some that slipped under the radar. November 06, 2015 Releases: The Peanuts Movie Spectre Spotlight Trumbo November 13, 2015 Releases: The 33 By the Sea […]
Heroes Reborn: June 13th – Part 1 Recap
Synopsis of 5×07: Noah and Hiro journey back in time to June 13th to uncover the mysteries of the attack on the Evo summit. Rating: ★★★☆☆ Heroes Reborn has done the impossible. After managing tasks as varied and fruitless as out-crazying itself and being incomprehensible, Heroes Reborn has topped itself […]