Two weeks ago, we talked about the various film adaptations of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, and honestly, the 5 movies explored there barely scratched the surface. It seems that there’s a new Alice movie at least once a decade like clockwork, sometimes more, and that’s without even touching movies like The Matrix or Resident […]
SDCC 2015: National Geographic Channel Presents Nerd Nite!
For the second year in a row, one of the best kept secrets of San Diego Comic Con was National Geographic Channel’s Nerd Nite. It was held at SILO in Maker’s Quarter, which is just far enough outside of the SDCC hub to be walkable (though you’ll probably want to […]
Zoo: The Silence of the Cicadas Recap
Synopsis for 1×03: Animal attacks are intensifying and a Frenchman is wandering around the world, gathering up a team to fight against it. There’s a radioactive Japanese island, lies, and a few more deaths before the end of this week’s episode. Onward! Rating: ★★★★☆ First things first, I don’t actually understand the […]