Keysmash – one of our favorite fellow blogging websites – can always make us go ad;lkfjwapoijds. Immersed in all things fandom (seriously, look at this glossary they’ve compiled), they’ve decided to take the wonderful community they’ve built and harness their power for good!
GIVESMASH is their very own charity program, in which they raise money for different charities of their choice through fandom-inspired projects and events. Every three months starts a new project or event supporting a new charity.
To kick off their brand new adventure, they’ve selected Random Acts to be their first charity. Currently, Random Acts, co-founded by Misha Collins of Supernatural fame, is raising money towards the Free High School in Nicaragua.
And in order to raise that money to donate to the cause, their first project is a fandom-inspired cookbook! Have you perfected Carol’s cookies from The Walking Dead (complete with ‘I’ll Make a Man Out of You’ applesauce courtesy of Aaron’s mother)? Maybe you’re hoarding the best Honey Cakes recipe in all of Westeros for your next Game of Thrones viewing party? Personally, I’d love to see how creative everyone can get with Cara McGee’s fandom teas (hint hint)!Here’s what they’re asking you to send in with your recipe:
- Recipe name*
- Category (appetizer/snack, side dish, main dish, dessert, beverage; if left blank we’ll categorize as we see fit)
- Description (include what fandom it represents, a source if you adapted it from someone else’s recipe, and anything else you’d like to say about it)*
- Label, if known (vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free, dairy-free, etc.)
- Serving size and/or nutritional info, if known
- Ingredients*
- Directions*
- Your name (real or username; if not included you will remain anonymous)
- Photos
The asterisk* denotes required items.
You can email them a .doc or .docx file ( or share a document via Google Drive ( Some exceptions can be made. If you do not have the ability to send a .doc you may put recipe in the body of an email instead.
Once they’ve got all the recipes collected and compiled, they’ll release it as an ebook to anyone who donates a certain amount of money to be determined at a later date.
Help us with our first charity project and send us fandom-inspired recipes for a cookbook. #GIVESMASH
— Keysmash Blog (@keysmashblog) April 27, 2015
If you’ve got questions, suggestions for the cookbook title (tentatively called it Food & Stuff courtesy of Ron Swanson), or just want to check out their awesome site, shoot them an email or hit up their blog!
Such great promo! Thanks again, loves.