Synopsis of 5×03: Margery weds Tommen and begins her rise of power and ignites the “game” for the throne between Cersei and her. Arya begins her work to become a Faceless Man, while her sister finds herself in an interesting marriage proposal. Jon begins his work as Commander of the Wall and Tyrion finds himself wrapped up in a tricky situation.
Rating: ★★★☆☆
Marriage was an important theme this weekend. Margery and the young now-King Tommen have finally wed and let’s just say Margery knows exactly what she’s doing. Tommen made it further than Joffrey and was able to celebrate their wedding night in the expected fashion and the now-Queen was able to plant some very crafty seeds of doubt into her young husband’s mind about his mother and her constant coddling of him. In one of the best scenes of this episode, Margery is approached by Cersei, who had just met with Tommen and was shocked to hear her baby boy tell her that he wanted her to leave. Margery is giggling with her servants about Tommen’s constant desire for sex and invites the King’s mother to join her as they discuss future grandchildren and other ideas of that nature.
King’s Landing is also facing a problem on the religious front. The Faith of the Seven, and the High Septon himself, have been facing rising criticism and assault from the detractors of the religion, who believe that it has become corrupt and ruined by the elite. Cersei goes to find the High Sparrow, and she finds a man dressed in poor robes feeding the sick, who calmly says that their enemies give them names like this and that he is simply trying to keep the faith going.
![The High Sparrow doesn't have time for politics [HBO]](
![I can't even caption this. [HBO]](
Arya is working in the House of Black and White and learns that she has to reinvent herself to truly be someone without a name, a “No One.” But she has trouble parting with Needle and hides him in the rocks near the ocean. Arya’s journey is truly beginning and it’s interesting to see the firey child in a position where she cannot be a leader in the typical sense.
As for the other “Stark,” Jon Snow faced the proposal from Stannis once more before he turned him down to remain as Lord Commander of the Watch. His first time leading a meeting led to a departure from the usually merciful Jon. When he orders Janos Slynt to go to another fort and rebuild it, he repeatedly refuses until Jon demands that he’s brought outside and that his sword is brought to him. As they prepare Slynt to be beheaded, he cries out for mercy, and cries that he’s nothing but a coward and has always been scared – but Jon brings the sword down anyways, a departure from the man we had only seen two episodes ago.
![Tyrion's demand for fresh air was just another blunder [HBO]](
The episode ends with the drunken Tyrion being captured and heading to Khaleesi but with a different crew than moments before.
All in all, a good episode with good exposition. The Sand Snakes are making their first appearance next week though and I am more than excited to see the sisters show their true strength. What did you guys think of this week’s episode?