Sleepy Hollow: Heartless (2×08)
Synopsis: Henry summons a succubus to help him complete Moloch’s plans. Abbie, Ichabod, and Hawley race to stop the succubus from taking more lives, but soon find themselves in over their heads. Meanwhile Katrina, still mourning the loss of a child, struggles while helping Abbie and Ichabod.
Rating: ★★★☆☆
Sleepy Hollow tackles love this week, in more ways than one. Hawley’s true feelings towards Abbie are revealed and Ichabod’s underlying issues with his wife are unearthed.
Katrina, still free from Abraham after stopping Moloch last week, is basking in her freedom with Ichabod. The happy married couple reflect upon the reality of their reunion. Secrecy, it seems, is a hard habit to break. Despite her apologies and sincerest offers of trust, Ichabod still seems reluctant to completely trust his wife once more. Abbie spares no niceties however and interrupts their awkward moment of silence.
At a local night club, a young man, too nervous to approach a women he likes, broods alone until Henry’s mysterious woman approaches him, perfectly dressed for his taste in nerdy attire. Things seem to be going really well for him until she seduces him into his car and then proceeds to essentially suck the life force from his body. Now, that’s a killer woman. What a keeper. Ichabod and Abbie are called to the scene of his death, where they find his body practically in a state of decomposition.
Meanwhile, Abraham argues with Henry about his intentions towards Katrina. He wishes to go after her, but Moloch has other plans in mind for her. Seriously, how many back up plans does Moloch have? Henry’s succubus returns to him, giving the poor boy’s life force to Henry, transferring it to a large jar. Apparently Henry is collecting the life forces his succubus takes as sustenance for Moloch. She is tasked to collect more for him.
Still struggling to find the identity of their supernatural killer, Abbie consults their “expert,” Hawley, who unfortunately claims he has no idea what the creature is. Despite this, he pushes Abbie to join him for drinks, undoubtedly surprising Abbie with his advances. Abbie politely refuses in the only way she knows how, by playfully threatening him, which seems to only fuel Hawley’s interest even more.
At the bar, after Abbie has left, the succubus approaches Hawley, as his secret desire for Abbie puts him smack dab at the top of her list. The succubus, Lilith, is apparently drawn to desires of the heart and is capable of seeing into one’s heart and mimicking the object one so desires.
Ichabod discovers that the succubus is an Incordata, who can only be killed by destroying its heart, which lies outside its body. Abbie and Katrina head to the cemetery where they believe Henry is hiding the heart. Meanwhile, Ichabod ropes in Hawley to help him identify the succubus. For his help, Ichabod has offered to give Hawley a lock of Abbie’s hair. Now, that’s a bit creepy. Ichabod and his wingman Hawley spot the succubus, but she lures Ichabod away from the crowd.
Katrina and Abbie discover the heart and Katrina attempts to kill the heart with a spell. She only gets so far before being knocked out by a protection spell placed on the heart. Abbie manages to complete the spell and destroy the heart. The succubus is drawn to Ichabod’s secret desire but in his heart she sees the doubt of his wife that lingers. Hawley arrives just in time to save Ichabod from the succubus’ grasp and the two manage to kill her. It sounds as if the two are even after saving each other’s lives.
Despite their differences, Katrina shares with Abbie her desire to return to Abraham. Katrina believes she can do more to help them by returning to Abraham and Henry. She knows though that Ichabod would never agree to such a thing, which is why she asks Abbie to tell him later after she has already gone. Relationships must evolve to follow their natural cause. Katrina, despite her love for Ichabod, is drawn to fixing her son and her choice suggests that she may have some feelings for Abraham after all. After returning, Abraham brings Katrina to Henry, who shows her baby Moloch. Since she is still wearing the pendant that allows her to see all of Abraham, she only sees Moloch as a normal human baby and not as the demon he actually is.
Next week it looks like the Mills sisters may face their biggest challenge yet: their mother. Can they save their mother’s soul?