Sleepy Hollow: And the Abyss Gazes Back (2×06)
Synopsis: Abbie and Ichabod, along with Hawley and Jenny’s help, race to save Sheriff Corbin’s young son Joe, who has been cursed by Henry. Meanwhile Henry gives Irving a choice and Irving must face the repercussions of his actions.
Rating: ★★★☆☆
Abbie is trying to teach Ichabod to embrace the art of yoga, claiming they are training for the war against Moloch. Ichabod clearly has no adroitness for yoga, and instead is still worked up over Katrina’s lies, telling himself she only lied to keep him safe. Despite what he tries to tell himself, it is clear he is disappointed and hurt over Katrina’s withheld information. Time will only tell how strong their faith and trust in each other actually is. It seems war doesn’t permit the luxury of dwelling on personal matters. While yoga clearly does nothing to make Crane feel better, he knows what will. Nothing makes a man happier and cheerier than a good old ice-cold beer. Once more, alcohol clearly solves all problems of the heart.
While drinking with Ichabod at the bar, Abbie breaks up a bar fight involving Joe Corbin, Sheriff Corbin’s son. Joe is clearly bitter and angry, having just been honorably discharged from the military. Joe harbors no happy feelings towards Abbie, stooping so low as to call her a charity case that his dad took pity on and got him killed.
![He really needs to leave his hair down more often. [FOX]](http://www.nerdophiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/206SH_Ep206AndTheAbyssGazesBackScn45_4638_f_hires2-470x313.jpg)
Meanwhile in Tarrytown, Irving faces Henry once more. Henry claims Irving bartered his soul for services rendered. Basically when Irving dies, Henry will own him. Irving desperately claims he will find a way to get his soul back, but Henry offers Irving a swifter, easier alternative. Irving must take a life to get his own soul back. Henry aks him to kill another Tarrytown patient, who just so happens to be the drunk driver who put Irving’s daughter in a wheelchair. Despite this, Irving claims he won’t kill for vengeance and is not a monster.
![Could romance be blooming between these two? [FOX]](http://www.nerdophiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/206SH_Ep206AndTheAbyssGazesBackScn23pt23A_4164_f_hires2-470x313.jpg)
Joe is one step ahead of them though, and has already left the hospital. While searching Joe’s home, they find Sheriff Corbin’s last will and testament, claiming Joe must protect specific artifacts of his father’s. Joe was indeed searching for something that night in the woods, and was not simply out for a late night snack in the woods. Ichabod and Abbie race back to the woods where they find Joe with a strange looking box. Joe tries to flee, but not before being consumed by lust and transforming into the demonic Wendigo. Seconds before attacking Ichabod, Abbie shoots Joe, temporarily incapacitating him.
![Once again, up to no good. [FOX]](http://www.nerdophiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/206SH_Ep206AndTheAbyssGazesbackscn9_3832_f_hires2-470x313.jpg)
Using human organs from the hospital, they manage to turn Joe back to human. Joe is skeptical at first that they can help, but soon spills his dark secrets. While in Afghanistan he received a letter covered in white dust. Ichabod claims it was human bone hexed with dark magic and they surmise Joe received some sort of supernatural anthrax. Joe says that the letter stated that he was cursed and the only way to rid himself of the curse was to trade one of his father’s artifacts for the cure. It seems Henry sent the curse, desperately desiring a liquid called Jincan, the object in the box Joe unearthed and an incredibly powerful poison from China.
![A bit petulant on the surface, but still an interesting guest star on the show. I hope we will be seeing more of him. [FOX]](http://www.nerdophiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/206FFSH_Ep206AndTheAbyssGazesBackScn29_5431_f_hires2-200x300.jpg)
Ichabod and Hawley return with a rather trivial complicated cure, but when is curing demonic conditions ever easy? Abbie and Ichabod cut themselves in an attempt to lure Joe to them. Cornering Joe into an alley, Ichabod manages to cut the beast and recite a Shawnee incantation. With Abbie’s determination, they succeed and Joe turns back into a human.
Abbie later bring Joe into the supernatural fold where she reveals Sheriff Corbin’s true hobbies to him. Joe wants to continue carrying on his father’s torch of protecting people and asks Abbie for a letter of recommendation to Quantico. Maybe Joe does have some redeeming qualities after all…
![The boys are back at work. [FOX]](http://www.nerdophiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/206SH_Ep206AndTheAbyssGazesBackScn38_4090_f_hires2-470x313.jpg)
Back at the manor, using the Jincan, Henry creates a spider that he then releases on Katrina whilst she sleeps. The spider creepily slips inside her mouth. Next week it looks like they face the repercussions of Henry’s actions and Katrina’s life once more hangs in the balance.