After much speculation, ABC finally announced that they ordered an Agent Carter series along with renewing Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
First of all, YES, I am five for five on the shows I cover weekly getting renewed! I’ll call that a successful first TV season at Nerdophiles, though I pray The Legend of Korra doesn’t come back at the same time as Archer when I up my weekly recapped shows to six.
Second of all, I am super excited for Agent Carter to be a series. I jumped for joy while out for karaoke when I saw the news.The Agent Carter One-Shot is my favorite of the ones Marvel has released so far and seeing what happens after Howard Stark calls Peggy to help him run S.H.I.E.L.D has me shaking with anticipation even more now.
Of course, the announcement wasn’t even six hours old when I saw the competition complaining begin.
![Peggy Carter does not have time for this crap. []](
A common resident of the second bracket tends to be Wonder Woman. Despite being a part of the core DC Trinity, there has never been a full length film for the Amazon warrior. Not that there hasn’t been a lack of trying, with Joss Whedon attached to write and direct the project after Serenity came out and the failed TV show attempt a few years back. There’s just been a lot of resistance to Diana from Hollywood, claiming her story is too confusing and not as accessible due to the background of her being descended from Gods.
And yet Thor is a hit. Funny that.
I hate the fact that Wonder Woman doesn’t have a movie yet. It’s pretty worrisome that Warner Bros. will cast a Wonder Woman for the Man of Steel sequel and presumably the Justice League movie before getting her own feature.
However, the thing I hate more than that is the statement of “Why is Peggy Carter getting a TV series before Wonder Woman gets a movie?”
Or “Why is Peggy Carter getting a series before we get a Black Widow movie?”
Really, any version of that statement that essentially pits two women against each other.
![Diana Prince doesn't have time for this either. []](
The last thing any of us need when wanting more women in media is to pit properties against each other or act as if one is more worthy of being adapted before another. I’m sad that Warner Brothers and Marvel keep hemming and hawing on Wonder Woman and Black Widow movies for a fear of them not being accessible, but have faith in properties like The Flash and Guardians of the Galaxy. I wish every day that Carol Danvers will be the first superpowered woman in the MCU films, but fear the same hesitation from the studio. However, I am still all for Agent Carter and look forward to seeing what they do with the Jessica Jones series for Netflix. Because if there is enthusiasm for those series instead of pushback, maybe Marvel and DC will realize that women leads will sell a comic book movie or TV series just fine.
Complain all you want to about another goddamn Batman movie or the producers of The Amazing Spider-Man saying that Miles Morales will never be the cinematic Spider-Man. Just don’t act like there can only be room for one female character with her own series at a time.
Fully agree. Energy should be put towards supporting the women who are lucky enough to get on screen rather then putting them down.
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I think all strong female characters should be supported. There is room for them all. Growing up I loved Star Wars, Spidey, Indiana Jones…..I was made to feel not girly because I liked that stuff and a lack of cool females did not help. Women were always being rescued, or screeching, or dim, or bitches, or princesses. The more Black Widow, Agent Carter, Hit Girl, Katniss etc, the better. Girls can kick ass too.
I really did enjoy The Avengers and the first Iron Man movie (The second and third should be given the true Marvel once-over and pretend they NEVER happened). The Thor films were ..well …a wee bit disappointing to say the least. I gave Agents of SHIELD a try…watched three or four episodes before I became mind-numbing bored with them. I don’t know if they just didn’t translate to the small screen well or what. I really did try to like it, but it was like Supernatural. I just lost interest and moved on to other things. I will give Agent Carter a chance, the same as I did AoS, but I’m not holding on to much hope I will watch it past the second or third episode.
Why is Peggy Carter getting a TV series before Wonder Woman gets a movie?
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