Tatiana Maslany is a force to be reckoned with. Even if you haven’t watched Orphan Black, you’ve probably heard by now that on the BBC America drama, Maslany plays more than half a dozen clones with entirely different personalities, mannerisms, and dialects from each other. If you’re a fan of the show, her Critics Choice win and Golden Globe nomination were elating, and at the same time, the lack of an Emmy nomination was devastating. But from the disappointment of that Emmy snub, a fan effort has arisen to show Maslany just how impressed with her the fans are.

The Clone Club Award for Tatiana Maslany is a fan created and sponsored award that is looking for support on IndieGoGo. Started by Clone Club member Sarah Evans, the campaign seeks to raise $2000 to create an original award statue to send to Maslany on behalf of the fandom. Information on the artist who will be creating the statue is to be announced, and $25 backers (“The Cosima”) will get access to behind the scenes video of the creation process.
At the time that this article is being written, the campaign is nearly halfway to its goal, with 30 days left to raise the rest. All five of the $100 perks (“The Sarah”) have been claimed, and those backers will have their names etched on the actual statue. Got $500 burning a hole in your pocket? Donate that much for “The Helena” level, and you’ll get your own replica of the statue being made for Maslany. But if you’re like me and don’t have quite that much pocket change, there’s always “The Beth,” a $1 donation that gets you recognition on the website, and “The Alison,” a $5 donation that allows you to sign a digital card that will accompany the award.
The deadline for this campaign is March 14, 2014. So go forth, Clone Club. Tatiana Maslany is receiving recognition for her stellar talents, but this is your chance to speak for yourself, rather than through a panel of stuffy old guys who may or may not recognize a star when they see one. Let’s let her know what the show and her work mean to us.