Synopsis of 3×10: Flint and his men face off against the English Navy. Teach seeks vengeance. Billy creates a legend.
Rating: ★★★★1/2☆
I have survived starvation, a tempest, pirate hunters, jealous captains, mutinous crews, angry lords, a queen, a king, and the goddamn British navy. So to whatever extent you may be concerned that some day we will clash – worried that though today we be friends, some day you would have no choice but to be my end – I wouldn’t worry too much.
– Captain Flint (Season 3, episode 10)
This is the beginning of the end, and the beginning of one man’s destiny. Flint and Silver’s relationship comes full circle in tonight’s episode, as Flint not only bares his soul and secrets to Silver, but also as Silver begins to questions his purpose and role with Flint.
In the dead of the night, Flint, Rackham, and Silver attempt to bury the jewel cache in the forest. Surprisingly, the maroon queen agrees to Flint’s plan as long as Silver is privy to its location, proving that the former slaves trust and respect Silver more than Flint. Once Rackham leaves, Silver quietly asks Flint to share with him his true motivations and reasons for why he has done what he has done.
Flint emotionally confides in Silver about his intimate relationship with Thomas and the truth of where his story first began. Silver claims that those close to Flint end up tragically dead but despite this, he still respects Flint greatly. Silver reasons that he might be Flint’s downfall in return. These two have such an intricate relationship and there is no one Flint likely trusts more, but Flint fails to realize that by sharing his true motivations with Silver, he has created the one man he could come to fear the most in the future.
Meanwhile, Rackham and Anne wait at sea on another ship, planning to sail directly into the British fleet. They spot six approaching ships which appear to be English, likely reinforcements from Rogers. Rackham though, quickly comes to another conclusion and orders their men to intercept the approaching ships.
On the beach, Flint and his men face off with the arriving small boats and the English soldiers. Reminiscent of a scene straight out of an epic like Braveheart, Flint and his men valiantly fight to hold their line. The English deploy mortars and force the pirates to fall back into the forest. Hornigold, having accompanied the English soldiers, warns the English not to pursue hastily, believing Flint is likely drawing them into an intricately planned ambush.
Rackham and Anne reach the approaching six ships and Rackham’s suspicions were indeed correct. Teach commands the helm of the six ships and emotionally shares with Rackham that Vane is dead. Teach agrees to fight with Rackham and the two find common ground in seeking vengeance for Vane’s death.
In the maroon community, the women and children take refuge in a cave beneath the camp while the men prepare for battle above. Madi refuses to join her mother in cave with the others and instead chooses to stand with the men, and in doing so will affirm her role as the community’s leader if they win the coming battle.
Dobbs leads Hornigold directly to the maroon community and the English fire upon Silver, Madi and the remaining men stationed there. Dobbs gives Hornigold an incredibly compelling, yet scary, smirk and it is then that Hornigold realizes he’s actually been played. Flint’s men, having concealed themselves in leaves literally under the English and in bushes nearby, leap from their hiding spots and begin slaughtering the English soldiers and Hornigold’s men. Horingold shoots Dobbs fatally in the chest before engaging Flint’s men.
Under the guise of the cannon fire, they board one of the ships and engage in battle with the surprised opposition. Anne is a force to be reckoned with as she mercilessly strikes down those in her path. Much to my surprise, she has pulled her hair back and shows far more of her face than we have seen in a long time. Anne and the other men quickly take control of the ship and begin firing on the other English ships. The English commander signals the other ships to retreat.
In the ensuing chaos, Flint shoots Hornigold in the chest and proudly stands over his dying body. The English soldiers soon retreat and Flint defiantly calls after them, ordering them to tell their governor that he is coming for him. For now, Flint has won this battle.
Throughout the whole battle, Billy has remained in Nassau, and it appears he was responsible for orchestrating the spread of the threatening letter and old wives’ tale of the black spot. He meets with those close to him, including Idelle and Featherstone, and begin to concoct a tale of a single man, a man that many intially believe will be Flint.
Surprisingly, Billy has no plans to use Flint as the face of the pirate rebellion. Instead, Billy uses Silver’s name and adorns Silver with the title of “pirate king.” Max is later shown reading a letter to the remaining men in Nassau that was written by Billy, but signed by “Long John Silver” and promising Silver’s return to Nassau.
I’m incredibly captivated by Flint and Silver’s dynamic relationship. Will Silver’s new role truly be Flint’s eventually tragic downfall, or can the two men co-exist and lead Nassau to greatness? Only time will tell, but something tells me that Flint may regret sharing his secret with Silver. I hope I am wrong though and that the two are able to led side by side, rather than as enemies.
Still, a question remains. Has it always been Billy’s intent to circumvent Flint and create the legend of Long John Silver? Billy has long questioned Flint and his mental aptitude, but never to the extent of challening his leadership. Along the same page, John Silver has come so far since season 1, maturing from a man who wanted nothing to do with piracy to a man with a true purpose and a man driven towards leadership.
While I don’t ship Silver and Flint romantically, the two are like ying and yang to each other and both don’t seem to function without the other, until now that is. I truly look forward to seeing what Starz brings us in season 4.