The Guild: The Official Companion
Author: Collaborative, Intro by Felicia Day
Release Date: July 16, 2013
Publisher: Titan Books
Source: Titan Books
Genre(s): Companion Book, Webisodes, Fantasy, Mockumentary
Rating: ★★★★☆
Review Spoilers: Low
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So for those who know me, they know that at sometimes I can be critical of nerds represented in media. Shows like World of Cosplay and books like Fangirl propel a rather negative view of nerds whether they want to or not. And yes, sometimes it’s a pretty honest view, but other times it’s incredibly one sided. It shows nerds as semi-mole people with thick coke bottle glasses unable to converse with others and unwilling to step out of their comfort zones. News flash, that’s not all that nerds are.
Part of the reason I loved The Guild so much was because it showed different people playing a game that is pretty standardly “nerdy”. Written and produced by nerds, Felicia Day began the show years ago in 2006 and the road has been long but beautiful. What started as a small show done by a group of friends has blossomed into a phenomenon. A few months ago, I got this book by Titan Books, and I was totally excited to take a look at it. I didn’t feel I could give a good review without having caught myself up on the actual show and now that I have, let’s see what we have.
The book itself is perfect for any dedicated Guild fan. It has got a superb amount of detail with wonderfully funny quotes from all of the actors. It breaks down by season, by character, by special scenes, and by production. Literally everything you could want to know, they included it. No holds barred. They talk about the fandom, their inspiration, their growth, their success, and even the endgame. This is all interlaced with some awesome images playing production photography along with art.
Some of my favorite pages went over things that I loved about the show. They talked about the convention inspiration they got, which I felt was some of the best episodes as a frequent goer of large cons. They talked about the music videos, both songs I have on my iPhone and I listen to them often. They talked about Team Cawkes, I was a shipper from the beginning. As far as companion books go, this one has it all.
Here are some cool pics that I’ve snapped from the companion book, so you guys can take a look.

Now, you can also enter to win a copy of this Companion Book for free! All you have to do, is post below in the comments. Just leave us a comment and tell us your favorite thing about the Guild! Make sure you use a working email when you comment so we can contact you if you win!
Hey guys! I think my favorite thing about the Guild would have to be Felicia Day herself. She’s such a positive female role model for people who feel like they don’t have anyone they can relate to or that represents them. Felicia, in my opinion, is one of the biggest presences in the modern “nerd” movement and one of my own personal heroes.
My fave thing about The Guild is the little thing I noticed in the Date My Avatar video when it first came out: there’s a scene where Felicia is dancing under a rainfall of gold coins. Later, she makes a cute face at the camera and tosses a gold coin that she pulls from her corset top. In the coin rainfall scene, you can actually see a coin fall into her top. I like to believe that the coin toss scene was just her getting the loose coin out of her costume.
Team Cawkes! Will and Felicia made an interesting on screen couple and I have loved them both since before The Guild. How can one simply not love that Highland Sextacy poster?
Felicia Day is simply awesome and The Guild really gives nerds a show they can identify with. It’s smart, it’s hilarious, it’s cool.
My favorite thing about The Guild is Felicia Day. She’s just amazing in every way.
Cool contest! I loved watching the Guild and still hoping another season happens. My favorite part of the series is when they went to MegaGame-O-RamaCon!
Felicia Day is my favorite thing about The Guild! She is too fine! Thanks for the chance!
My favorite part about the guild is Felicia Day, everything about her is awesome. I also really liked the music videos, particularly the “avatar” video!
My favorite thing about The Guild besides the gamer plot, it’s the characters and the fact that there are so many geeky woman that are more than “just pretty”. Everyone is smart and have an amazing development. Felicia Day is one of my role models and the reason why I started watching the series. I’m happy that I did.
pd. I’m sorry if I have misspelled something, english is not my first language.
Have a nice day!
My favourite thing about The Guild is, well, everything. It got me interested because of Felicia Day, and I seriously don’t regret watching it. I love how much heart put into it, I love the characters, I love the costumes, everything. Felicia did fantastic job as Codex, and The Guild is one of the reasons why I love her so much. Character development was great, and the show itself was just hilarious. But my favourite thing is probably that it showed it doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, how old you are, which gender you are, you can still enjoy video games and you can be whatever you want to be. It was really life-changing show. Couldn’t love it more.
I love that The Guild is a unique web series. Also, I like how much it relates to my life and sometimes helped with a lot of my problems. Whether it was being addicted to a video game, and needing to get a life, or being anti social. Everything. It’s just a really good show that, us gamers, can relate to. Also that it shows that no matter the gender or age, that there are no “fake” geeks. I adore the show, and I own all seasons and comic books. :3 The show is really inspiring. <3
My favorite thing about The Guild is that Felicia Day made her own show even though traditional networks said it was too niche. I love that she retained the rights to it and went on to write The Guild comic books. I find it inspiring!
My favorite thing about The Guild is how they started out small and it grew to become the giant, popular web show that it is now. I can also relate to a lot of the stuff that is in it.
The humorous writing and Felicia Day’s expressions. She’s really cute.
I love the guild because it’s so easy to relate to. The characters are awesome and lovable, but they’re also awkward, oblivious, socially inept, nerdy, etc. I like shows that are about people like me and my friends. :]
My favorite thing about the Guild is the fact that season 5 takes place at MegaGamaRomiCon (sp????). I loved all the cameos and the fact that the Guild all went on a trip together.
the fact that it turned me into a gamer and grew into a full feldged geek myself. (you can only learn from the best. thank you Felicia Day)